Research about the Nature of the Cochamo Valley
Here you can find the main results of the scientists who have collaborated in the study of the nature of Cochamó Park. Study areas: geology, hydrology, glaciology and botany. The studies were carried out by professionals from some of the main universities in Chile.
Distribution of larches in Cochamo Park
Fitzroya cupressoides is distributed in Cochamó Park in the NW area of the map perimeter and to a lesser extent in the SE of the map. The Andean temperate resinous forest of Fitzroya cupressoides covers an area of 24,830 Ha and has a perimeter of 450,151 km. Much of this coverage is located in the Herradura Circuit.
This study was carried out based on regional coverage of geographical information from the Chilean Vegetation Resources Registry (CONAF).
Map of vegetation floors from Cochamo
Geolocation of glaciers in the Cochamo Park:
Main conclusions of the study:
1. There is a total decrease between 2014 and 2022 of 54 glaciers in the Cochamó Valley, which is equivalent to 33.75%.
2. There is a total decrease in the glacier area between 2014 and 2022 of 10.22 km2, which is equivalent to 66.54%.
3. Mountain glaciers decreased from a total of 42 to 5 in the Cochamó Valley.
4. Glaciers decreased from a total of 118 to 101 in the Cochamó Valley.
The study was carried out based on the glacier inventory of the General Directorate of Water (DGA), between 2009 and 2017. The PUC geographer Valentina Gómez and the U.Chile geologist Francisca Aguilera participated in its preparation.